
With the continuous exploration of blockchain and applications in recent years, the combination of blockchain and various traditional internet aspects has unleashed tremendous potential. Since 2020, the integration of blockchain with gaming, blockchain with the metaverse, and the fusion with social elements have each brought significant disruptions to the entire industry and even the entire internet.

The team has consistently pondered the question of how to create an application that is not only fun and engaging but also valuable. Given the team members' years of experience in the gaming and social sectors, they believe that games not only possess entertainment attributes but also social properties. Furthermore, games can construct metaverse scenarios. After conducting a series of research, the team decided to develop a blockchain game that integrates socialfi, the metaverse, play-to-earn, and other elements.

Due to the team members being fans of Elon Musk, one of the team's ideals is to build a new home on Mars. Consequently, they designed a web3.0 game set against the backdrop of rebuilding a home on Mars. The team hopes that this game will bring significant advancements to the entire industry. A group of turkey-shaped extraterrestrial creatures from a distant planet, facing the impending destruction of their home planet, migrated to Mars and began rebuilding their homes on the red planet.

As science and technology continue to progress, it is foreseeable that the impact of blockchain in the future will be even more profound. This group of turkey-shaped beings is not only rebuilding their homes on Mars but is also contributing to creating a bright future for the entire blockchain industry.

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