Play-to-Earn Mechanism

In "Turkey Tycoon," all assets purchased by users can be sold. The game features a dedicated item marketplace where players' purchased items appreciate based on market demand. Players can sell their items in the marketplace, with the platform charging a 5% transaction fee.

When trading on this marketplace, users can choose to use TON or USDT as currency. However, when buying items from the platform, players must use TON for the purchase.

Aside from selling game items to earn profits, players can also stake game items to generate TON earnings. The game incorporates a central banking system where players can stake items and earn returns. Different items have varying staking interest rates, with higher-level items providing higher rates. Players can combine different items for staking to optimize returns.

TON generated through staking can be exchanged for TMARS within the game, and TMARS can be further exchanged for ETH or other digital assets on exchanges.

The game incorporates a TMARS issuance and burning mechanism. In the play-to-earn model, users can generate TON, exchange it for TMARS, and use TMARS for advanced gameplay, reducing TMARS liquidity in the market and increasing its value.

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