Invitation Design

To promote the "Turkey Tycoon" web3 game, a robust and legally compliant invitation mechanism has been designed.

The invitation mechanism offers lucrative rewards. Successfully inviting users not only leads to substantial airdrop rewards during the fair casting, but there will also be additional rewards once the game is officially launched.

Before the Game Officially Launches

Activated users can invite their subordinates to activate by sharing their wallet address, thereby establishing an invitation relationship. Inactive users must use the address of an activated user to activate and access all the functionalities within the game.

1. Invitation Airdrop Reward

Example: If A activates B, and B activates C.

When A completes the following conditions:

a. Have participated in fair mint

b. Use an authorized X account to tweet and @Turkey Tycoon official X and the tweet contains the word TMARS

A will receive an additional 3% of the successful minting quantity of B and 1% of the successful minting quantity of C. Similarly, if B meets the conditions, B will receive 3% of the successful minting quantity of C. If C invites D, B will also receive 1% of D's successful minting quantity.

Please note that there are only two levels of invitation rewards.

After the completion of minting and before the game starts

2. Whitelist Points Reward

After the end of fair minting and before the game starts, users can stake TMARS to obtain NFT whitelist points within the game. The quantity of these points directly determines the user's eligibility to purchase NFTs in the game.

Similarly, if A activates B, and B activates C:

A will receive an additional 5% of the whitelist points generated by the next level, B, and 2% of the whitelist points generated by the second level, C. This is limited to two levels. Similarly, B will receive an additional 5% of the whitelist points generated by the next level, C. If C invites D, then B will receive 2% of D's whitelist points.

After the Game Officially Launches

After the game starts, the referral will generate various lucrative rewards.

3. USDT Rewards

Due to the fact that every in-game item purchased from the official store requires TON, and buying TON requires USDT, in the given example, A will receive 15% of the USDT spent by B each time they purchase TON, and A will also receive 5% of the USDT spent by C when they buy TON.

That is, when A activates B, and B activates C, if B purchases 1000 USDTs worth of TON and C also purchases 1000 USDTs worth of TON, then A will receive rewards of 150 USDTs (15% of B's purchase) and 50 USDTs (5% of C's purchase). Similarly, B will receive a reward of 150 USDTs (15% of their own purchase).

4. Additional Ton Rewards

In addition to the rewards mentioned above, each activated user will enjoy an additional TON bonus of 5% for every TON consumption up to the first 500 USDTs.

For example, if a user purchases 1 USDT = 1000 TONs, they will be rewarded with 5% of the purchased amount, which is 50 TONs. The bonus ends once the 500 USDTs limit is reached.

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